Question by Maggie M: Stomach Flu? Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Nausea, please diagnose! PLEASE READ!! =(?
We had realatives come on for the holidays. And the first day they came in my Grandma had the symptom's of vomiting, diarrhea, and Nausea...this lasted about 1 day then the next 2 days it felt like she has been hit by a bus. Then the next day my Aunt had the same thing...this time getting over it quickly but then regaining it...vomiting during the night. Then my Grandpa got it...aroundthe same time as my aunt. Then my aunt's son got the same thing. After that my two cuzins [sisters] got the same thing. I dont wanna be the next one so if anyone has any quess of what this is and why its spreading so fast please tell me!...and if you have a treatmeant or a prevention! Thanks loads!
My Aunt made "trash" a food that was in a bowl and people just pick out the bowl with...their hands. Now Im thinking thats how everyone got it!
Best answer:
make sure everyone is covering their mouths whne they cough and keep your hands washed. try to stay away from them but it sounds as if your next just ride it out and you will be fine
Native Remedies Combo Pack (Stomach Flu Fighter Queasex 50 ml, Anti-Nausea Drops 50 ml)
stomach flu vomiting diarrhea - click on the image below for more information.

- Stomach Flu Fighter relieves stomach flu (gastroenteritis) symptoms, plus alleviates fever and clamminess
- Stomach Flu Fighter eases diarrhea and stomach upset
- Stomach Flu Fighter soothes painful stomach cramps and bloating
- QueaseX Anti Nausea Drops alleviates nausea, vomiting, retching and queasiness
- QueaseX Anti Nausea Drops promotes normal bile production and settles the stomach
stomach flu vomiting diarrhea
A two-product combo pack with a homeopathic remedy for diarrhea, vomiting and cramps, plus fast-acting drops for nausea relief.
Native Remedies Combo Pack (Stomach Flu Fighter Queasex 50 ml, Anti-Nausea Drops 50 ml)
Click on the button for more stomach flu vomiting diarrhea information and reviews.
Leg Pain Due To Stomach Flu
Leg Pain Due To Stomach Flu
If you have frequent leg pains without any apparent reason, it could be due to stomach flu. is usually accompanied by pain in the lower back and weakness. It leaves you irritable and lethargic.
Why Leg Pain Occurs?
Stomach flu is a disease that affects the digestive system, mainly the stomach and the intestines. It causes inflammation and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is usually caused by virus and bacteria. The rapid production of virus or bacteria in the body challenges the body's defense mechanism. Our body utilizes a large amount of energy to fight the illness thus leaving us weak and miserable. The main symptoms of stomach flu are diarrhea and vomiting. This reduces the water content of our body, which causes the salts in the body to run wild. At this time, our body needs a lot of water and if this requirement is not met, it may cause dehydration. Without the water to dilute the salts they start detracting the body's water resources. This causes decreased tear production, dry skin and dry mouth. The body's energy is sapped due to dehydration, and this causes aches and pains. You may experience waves of pain in the lower leg and the calf.
Other Causes of Leg Pain
The effects of stomach flu are responsible for leg pain even though it doesn't directly cause the pain. Frequent trips to the bathroom due to excessive diarrhea and vomiting could be another
While the stomach flu is likely to run its course for around a few days, treating the problem is important since you might be confronting fluid loss.
can be avoided if you keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water and clear liquids but avoid milk and fruit juices. Glucose or salt and sugar solution can be very effective in meeting the fluid requirements of the body. Take liquid diets and do not eat meals that are hard to digest.
Keeping your body hydrated is very important. During this stomach flu, it is very likely that your body might run out of fluids. So, it is very vital to keep sipping water mixed with small amount of sugar and salt.
Medication such as promethazine should be taken to reduce loss of water by vomiting. If the symptoms persist and the condition worsens a doctor must be consulted.
Orignal From: Stomach Flu? Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Nausea, please diagnose! PLEASE READ!! =(?
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