Question by Lefty Lizzy: what are the symptoms of Gastroenteritis (gastro)?
could you give me a list of the symptoms of gastro?
just curious...
Best answer:
Puking, diarrhea, fever, chills, body aches.
Basically gastroenteritis is the stomach flu.
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symptoms of gastro
?Inhibits the growth of the dangerous H. pylori bacteria.
?Soothes the stomach.
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Recent scientific studies determined that H. pylori bacteria may be a primary cause of ulcers and found that ingredients in this formula may inhibit the activity of H. pylori.
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Symptoms Of Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease: Why Timely Diagnosis Is Crucial To Your Health
Not many people understand the medical significance of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) and the symptoms that go with it. Decline in general quality of life is the result for many GERD sufferers. For inhabitants of developed countries, the problem is considerable. No less than 1 in 5 of all inhabitants in western countries are victims every week of some of the common GERD symptoms.
From different approximations made, some 70% of diagnostics using the identification of usual symptoms are in fact precise. Because GERD can make patients suffer a great deal and also give serious complications, it is essential to be able to see the symptoms, diagnose them and quickly arrange treatment. Doctors and paraprofessionals alike think that a first diagnosis of GERD, often via a questionnaire on typical gastro esophageal reflux disease manifestations, is critical to effectively and quickly treat this condition.
Symptoms of GERD may include: nose and sinus problems, chest pain (can be mistaken for heart attack-related pain), dry coughing, wheezing chronically, asthma, nausea, fallout of tooth enamel, bad breath, and dysphagia (feeling of an irregularity in the back of the throat). Acid reflux may also attack the ears (otitis media) and the voice (ranging from laryngitis, hoarseness to cancer). Heartburn and regurgitation are among the commonest symptoms of GERD. It is the contents of the stomach and its acidic juices, being thrown back up in the esophagus, that makes for the distressing burning feeling associated to damage of the esophageal lining where gastro esophageal reflux disease is happening.
The essential thing for regaining health and well being, and avoiding complications is the ability to pinpoint those symptoms and interpret them in the light of gastro esophageal reflux disease.
Symptoms of acid reflux are often an outer danger sign of internal general imbalance. Neglecting gastro esophageal reflux disease can result in major physical distress and may also cause severe health problems like cancer of the esophagus and pneumonia. Luckily, victims can identify the greater part of GERD symptoms before seeing a doctor. If a symptom (or several of them) occur regularly, the recommendation is to consult a gastrointestinal specialist for a full diagnosis.
Although a gastrointestinal endoscopist can provide a good preliminary diagnosis, conventional medicine as a cure for gastro esophageal reflux has two major drawbacks:
1. Life long dependency on drugs can result because a daily dose is required to keep the symptoms down but no action is taken on fixing the real causes.
2. Medicaments available as prescriptions and over the counters only act on the external disease symptoms, but acid reflux goes far deeper than this, being the result of a range of different inner and outer aspects.
3. Some drugs such as PPIs and antacids can contribute numerous undesirable side effects.
The holistic program that targets the factors that are both internal and external and that trigger acid reflux, also addresses the basic problem that causes this condition. It is a much more effective answer and it works for the long term. Whatever your degree of GERD is, tackling this condition by using a holistic approach will make sure that the fundamental causes of your acid reflux problem are dealt with in safety and with permanence, to bring significant improvement to your well being.
Orignal From: what are the symptoms of Gastroenteritis (gastro)?
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