Infection Formula 100 Capsules
stomach viral infection - click on the image below for more information.

- 100 Capsules
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stomach viral infection
Dr. Zhang's Herbal Formulas Infection Formula 100 Caps This formula is designed as a natural antibacterial and antiviral agent to fend off bacterial and viral attack without harmful side effects. Since the 1960s, medical scientists in China have conducted numerous studies documenting the effectiveness of these herbs for a wide variety of bacteria and viruses. The herbs in the formula can be safely used by persons of any age, including children. The dosage can be increased, if needed, especial
Infection Formula 100 Capsules
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MIT Develops Virus Killing Superdrug
Transcript by BY DANNY MATTESON ANCHOR MEGAN MURPHY You're watching multisource health news analysis from Newsy. Move over grandma, and take your home remedies with ya. There may be a new way to treat nearly any virus -- from the common cold to HIV. Time's Healthland explains. "Scientists at MIT are developing a new drug that may fight viruses as effectively as antibiotics like penicillin dispatch bacteria. The broad-spectrum treatment is designed to trigger cell suicide in cells that have been invaded by a virus, thereby halting infection..." Want more "amazing"? According to CNET the new drug, called DRACO, an acronym for Double-stranded RNA Activated Caspase (Cass-pace) Oligomerizer-- whew-- does all of that without causing any harm to your healthy cells. "DRACO attaches itself to virus-tainted cells...if [it] encounters a healthy cell along the way, it simply waves hello and leaves it alone." So how powerful is this pathogen punishing pharmaceutical? According to The Huffington Post it's batting a thousand in research done so far. "The drug ... has already been tested on 15 viruses... All of which, including the common cold, polio, H1N1, and a stomach virus, have been successfully killed by the treatment."(AOC) But don't get too excited, there is of course a downside -- although it might be an afterthought for most. The San Francisco Gate had this to say.... "From a human perspective, one has to cheer. But from a natural perspective, one must observe ...
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