Question by Chi Guy: Has anyone else recently suffered from Viral Gastroenteritis aka stomach flu?
I am just recovering from this and would not wish this pain on anyone.
Best answer:
Yes Chi, I just had a bout of it. Nasty!
Viral Gastroenteritis (Archives of Virology. Supplementum, 12.)
viral gastroenteritis - click on the image below for more information.

viral gastroenteritis
Recently, rapid developments have occurred in the field of viral gastroenteritis. This book is an update of fundamental and practical aspects of viral gastroenteritis. Among the various agents that cause viral gastroenteritis, group A rotaviruses and caliciviruses are the focus of this volume because of their clinical impact and the significance of new findings about them.
Viral Gastroenteritis (Archives of Virology. Supplementum, 12.)
Click on the button for more viral gastroenteritis information and reviews.
How Long is There Loss of Appetite After Stomach Flu? Learn About Viral Gastroenteritis
Several types of virus are responsible for causing stomach virus. They are Astrovirus, Adenovirus, Rotavirus, and Calicivirus, which can cause illness in anyone. Calcicvirus has four different strains and usually affects people in the winter.
You may not know that you've been infected with a virus, because not everyone exhibits symptoms right away. It could be anywhere from 1 to 3 days before you begin to get sick, and then it usually happens quickly with vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.
Loss of appetite will also occur when the virus hits, and you won't be able to keep down even liquids at the onset. The virus is transmitted through contact with someone who's infected, by drinking from the same glass, or using the same utensils to eat. Also, it can be transmitted by contaminated food from lack of refrigeration or even by shellfish that's contaminated.
By following your doctor's advice, getting plenty of rest, and start with only clear liquids, usually you can recover from a stomach flu within a few days. You should begin by taking sips of water, and when you're able to keep water down, you can try other clear liquids such as ginger ale, 7 UP, or tea. Once the nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps suside, you'll usually feel like eating. However, you should start with very bland foods, since eating anything too heavy at first, may cause a recurrence of the stomach flu, and your recovery will take longer. Generally speaking, your appetite should return to normal within a few days. However, if you have concerns, contact your doctor.
Viral gastroenteritis, also commonly referred to as a stomach virus, is a highly contagious virus that affects millions of people every year. A stomach virus can affect babies, young children, and adults. Anyone with a chronic medical condition is more susceptible. Common symptoms of stomach flu include severe stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. It usually isn't a serious illness, but can be if dehydration occurs and is severe enough.
Orignal From: Has anyone else recently suffered from Viral Gastroenteritis aka stomach flu?
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